Saturday, August 7, 2010

Summer Reading Works

The blog entry, 'Summer Reading Works', is very appropriate right now. We are just winding down our Summer Library Program and are looking forward to a small break before we jump into the autumn. Many people see the reading programs at the library as superfluous. Yes, these programs are fun and entertaining, but they are also helping kids to maintain their skills. There is a lot of research about how much kids who don't read lose skills during the summer. This amount is cumulative. They don't gain it back. The numbers are even higher for lower income students. Libraries are in a unique position to offer fun, entertaining programs that have an educational edge and function. We are lucky, we don't have to worry about educational standards and achievement scores. Librarians have the best job in the world. Bringing books and reading to our patrons.

We have a program called 'In Your Neighborhood'. One day each week of the summer I take 3 baskets of books and a cadre of volunteers, many of whom are teachers, and we go to the lower income apartments in town. For an hour these kids read one on one to a volunteer. Some kids have been coming to the program for 3 or 4 years and it is exciting to see them growing and reading better and better each summer. Those who need the library the most can't always get here. It is important to take the library to them. The blog states, "...librarians are doing significant, important work. That makes me smile every time I read it.

(2010, Aug. 5). Summer Reading Works. Retrieved from:

A Drowned Maiden's Hair: A Melodrama

A Drowned Maiden's Hair: A Melodrama
Schlitz, Laura Amy
ISBN 0-7636-2930-8

Maud longs to be adopted. When three older ladies come to the orphanage and want to take her home, Maud's heart soars. But, life in her new family is not what Maud dreamed about. The older ladies don't love Maud as a daughter, but as a new member of the family business. This novel has a great sense of place and the plot moves along at a nice pace.